
North Cobb

Acworth Police Delivery cooler

We provided the Police department a cooler for drinks during the hot summer months


North Cobb


Some of our members who are involved with KSU CARES and ASCEND attended a dinner to provide support to these students and the KSU CARES team. Attendees included the students, Faculty members of the university, mentors to the students and alumni of the program


North Cobb

ASCEND hostel move

Club members helped the KSU CARES team to help new ASCEND students move into the newly acquired hostel for  them


North Cobb

First Peace Pole

NCRC installed its first Peace Pole at the Men's Extension.  On the same evening, we offered a "football tailgate" type supper that the men thoroughly enjoyed!  Installing this Peace Pole was significant at this location, because the Men's Extension offers avenues to peace through health, housing, employment, and dignity.


North Cobb

Forever Fed

We volunteer with Forever Fed to distribute food to families facing food insecurity


North Cobb

Furnish with love

Furnish with Love is an organization that provides families with furniture for new homes. These are normally women fleeing domestic violence or facing human trafficking or survived trafficking. Our volunteer helped to build shelves for the organization


North Cobb

Kennesaw Police Dept community event

The Kennesaw Police Department organized its community  'National Night Out'. It is an event where the PD provides food and drinks for the community. Our member volunteers cooked the food and served while the police officers had time to interact with the community.


North Cobb


Our club in partnership with Midwest Food bank offload a truck full of food and drinks and restock the shelves of KSU CARES. KSU CARES has a food pantry that provides food to students who are facing food insecurity. Our club members volunteer to help unload the trucks and then place the food on the shelves to make it easy for the students to come and get what they need in terms of food and drink.


North Cobb


Our club in partnership with Midwest Food bank offload a truck full of food and drinks and restock the shelves of KSU CARES. KSU CARES has a food pantry that provides food to students who are facing food insecurity. Our club members volunteer to help unload the trucks and then place the food on the shelves to make it easy for the students to come and get what they need in terms of food and drink.


North Cobb


We partner with Midwest Food Bank to provide a truck load of food for students at Kennesaw State University who are facing food insecurity. We offload the truck and restock their shelves


North Cobb

Men's extension dinner

The club provides dinner for the 67 residents of the rehabilitation center


North Cobb

Men;s Extension supper

We feed the men's and the women's Extension every other month.  This month for the men, we did a "football tailgate" type meal.  They loved it!  We also planted a Peace Pole which will be sited in another post.


North Cobb

MUST Lunches

North Cobb Rotary purchased items and assembled 102 meal kits to provide breakfast and lunch for one week for 102 children.


North Cobb

Pine Mountain Middle School

NCRC has committed to keeping the Memorial Garden at the Pine Mountain Middle School beautiful and fresh.  Five Rotarians did a clean-up for the fall.


North Cobb

Road Trip Home

The Lake city Animal Hospital is a rescue facility for pets. Our volunteers help them to 'pet' the dogs as they prepare to be transported up north to homes that are willing to adopt them


North Cobb

Senior Luncheon and Bingo

The NCRC served the meals to 90 Senior Citizens in Kennesaw, and helped with the bingo game.  A good time was had by all!


North Cobb

The Women's Extension Dinner

The Women's Extension is a residential facility for women recovering from alcohol and substance abuse. The club provides dinner for them once every month. We have Volunteers who cook and serve dinner to the residents. We also engage with them during supper .


North Cobb

Unloading the Truck

NCRC has partnered with the Midwest Food Bank to provide a truck full of food for the students with food insecurity.
